Kalibai Bheel Research Institute of Women & Child Development (KBRIWCD)

The Kalibai Bheel Research Institute of Women and Child Development (KBRIWCD) was established by the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Rajasthan at HCM-RIPA in 2021, under the aegis of Centre for Management Studies (CMS), to further economic, political and social empowerment of women in Rajasthan.

The Institute aims to support the state in achieving key development goals through creating, curating & disseminating knowledge, catalyzing evidence-informed decision making, and monitoring and tracking implementation of existing schemes. The focus areas currently include the following:

1)  Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
2)  Nutrition of women of reproductive age, adolescents and children
3)  Women's Empowerment in decision making within and outside the household
4)  Gender studies, budgeting, data collection and policy development

In tandem with key government stakeholders and civil society organizations, KBRIWCD will help achieve the objective of Women and Child Development and advance gender equality in the State. Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and insight are providing technical support to the Institute.

POSHAN Tracker Training Modules
Research Study Reports